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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Project Greensburg

It went well tonight!! Not sure on the total numbers yet, but well over $1,000.00 raised!! Very tired, but is a quick photo of Natasha Trelfa of KAKE TV in Wichita (a KU grad ;-D), she made Storms of 2007 look 100 times better ;). Here is KAKE's story on Project Greensburg, including video.
Much more later today...


Anita said...

Thanks for that link... I didn't get home until after the news was over!
It was so great meeting all of you... and I have a couple posts up at my blog if you want to see them!
(The newspaper editor wasn't able to make it, so I've been asked to write up something ... I sent him my pictures, too!)

Dewdrop said...

Awesome, Dick! I am so glad to hear it went well. I know you put a lot of effort into it. Congrats!

Unknown said...

Yep..the story looked great. Glad to see some positive media exposure finally.

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