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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

St. Patty's Day.... Cold-Core?

Well, for 2 runs at least, the GFS has been showing a closed low setting somewhere up in Kansas for Monday, March 17th with very cold h5 temps aloft and a pretty intense vortmax near the center as pictured 144 hours out (0z run).

We'll see if it happens, I'll be on Spring Break, and Darin's girlfriend will be up here as well, so we'll definitely be chasing (assuming there is something to chase).

Other than that, I've been sick as a dog, with strep throat and the flu lately (and slept about 16 hours a day) so sorry if I haven't emailed you back. :( A few pics from yesterday, while waiting for my appointment to see the doctor at the walk-in clinic.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Ok. Why does that have to be over western Kansas? I heard that due to "el Nina" the rougher weather should be farther east this year... or is thatjust wishful thinking??

Think I'll find a hole somewhere and live in it until, like, July...

Hope you get to feeling better! Strep is no fun...

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