Email me at midwesternmeso (AT) hotmail [DOT] com

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Couple of Shots, TVN Calendar

Here are a couple of shots from the last chase, one a panoramic, the other at initiation. I have a lot more from this day I'll eventually get around to posting as well.



Chris Chittick and I have been working on and now have sent off the proofs for a TVN calendar which should be available by early next week. It includes a lot of my photographs (all but 2 I believe) and contains my best photograph to date in it on May 22nd...which I can not share on the internet until after the episode airs!

I'll probably make a post when it's available online to purchase for anyone interested. I'm pretty excited since I've never really sold any of my photographs for others to purchase.

1 comment:

p said...

I'll be picking one up most definitely!

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midwesternmeso AT hotmail (DOT) COM

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