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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another Amazing Day....

More to come in the next several weeks as I have more the season winds down. Best structure + tornado I've ever seen along with best rope-out as well. It doesn't get much better than this. Also observed softball-sized hail which manhandled our vehicles. Made the mistake of shooting jpeg vs. RAW for these pictures and shot + 1/3 stop a little too high (shooting this from the sitting position on the south side of the vehicle as 2 inch stones were carried from the northeast). It was not fun trying to get back in.




Steve Miller TX said...

It's the best rope-out I've ever seen too....and incredible structure. That is an awesome photo of the rope stage!

Scott said...

I hate you! I want nothing more than to see an elongaed translucent tube!

Dann Cianca said...

Great shots, man. I'm still kicking myself for going to Deer Trail instead of going east on 36. ... and I thought I scored with the hail. Ugh.

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