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Friday, February 17, 2006


Not too bad of a day considering it's February and storms were moving at 60 mph in terrain Paul Bunyan would stay out of. Here's a link to the : Report

I posted a thread in Map Room on Stormtrack which of course is going to turn into a flame war. It's where it belongs. PERIOD. Stormtrack moderators, (and no offense to most of them) don't moderate or move posts or delete shit that shouldn't be there. I give credit to Jeff Snyder for doing his part, (and he's always answered any questions I've had), but the others don't do a damn thing. Bring your best punch to Storm and your A. Going to get a warning on rules violations (we don't have MANY) B. Your post moved to the correct location and a PM for doing so. C. Post deleted for flames. D. Banned. Simple. I don't care who the fuck you are. No one pulls weight on our site, which was created to get away from the bullshit that goes on right now. There are no secret forums, and we usually take a vote on certain subjects that have come up or let THE CHASERS decide.

Bottom line, you can't govern yourself. Noise is ridiculous. Who gives a fuck about wind in the northeast. I don't care about Norman oklahoma's cold front.

Get some balls. Kick the weather enthusiasts off, let the chasers stay. Or you can just join our site where we at least can joke around a little. Ad free!

Quote of the day yesterday by Mr. Highway Patrolman......and i shit you not: "I'd rather shoot people than chase tornadoes."

Me too! Storm chasers should convert their favorite hobby to homicide!

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